Alrighty time to add some hype and get you excited for the 1st of May because I have something special to show you! On the first of May, the first round of a new event will be rocking SL, and its name is [MOD]ify! This event will feature items with the ability to modify and customize their pieces. It really is a game changer, because we all love the ability to create a look and make it your own. For this sneak peak, I want to get you excited by showing you two of the items that will be available when the event opens up! So strap in because these [MOD]ify posts will be a little longer than usual as I break down the amazing ways you can tweak these products to suit your own style.
To begin, we can send a big thank you to Hanzel for this super cute cyber-esque visor. The HUD included comes with 14 base options and 12 Vision & Lace options. There are also 6 fun text options and this piece is unisex! This beauty can be tinted as well so talk about infinite possibilities. Another bonus, this fun visor also comes with some BOM and LeL Evo X wires that connect and go over the face, so be sure to check those out too! Scroll all the way down to see a copy of the HUD for a great visual to what comes with this kickass accessory.

This next shoutout is to Krankhaus and this amazingly detailed Modify Sweater! This fun casual urban look is just exploding with customization options. Firstly, in each size there are two size options to ease the layering of mesh, which is done beautifully with this oversized look - BIONUS it is also unisex. I will break it down, but be sure to check out the image below for a copy of the HUD because I would need to type you an ocean to get through it all. This piece is broken down into 8 separate faces (front, back, L/R sleeves, collar, cuffs, inner and metals) that are chosen individually from a HUD with everything you could possibly want. 198 options. Varying from solid textures, to prints, and patterns. Every inch of this, can showcase your personality and individual style. The hardest part will be picking what look you want to go with. I can honestly say, this took me a lot longer than I expected because with each change, the styling and vibe of what you can produce changes as well.
So how do you style these two pieces? Well the beauty of them, and this event is, that you can do whatever you want with them! There is such a range of styles and ideas that one can express when an item gives you the ability to make it your own. For this look, I wanted to escalate some of my favorite pieces from ViSion and show you how amazing it is to really mix and match their pieces.
Jacket: Modify Jacket - Krankhaus Freya, Isis, Jake, Kuroo, Maitreya, Maitreya Flat, Venus
Visor: Cybernetic Visor - Hanzel Unrigged Mesh
Top: Aitana - ViSion Lara, Peitie, Legacy, Perky, HG, Freya, Isis, Kupra
Pants: Taylor - ViSion Freya, HG, Isis, Legacy, Maitreya
Hair: Such - Magika Unrigged Mesh
Krankhaus Modify Jacket HUD |
Hanzel Cybernetic Visor HUD